Vital Mobile

Vital Mobile

Vital Mobile

Helping Interpreters Manage Their Schedules

Helping Interpreters Manage Their Schedules

Helping Interpreters Manage Their Schedules

The Problem

Interpreters can only manage their schedules on desktops, leading to inefficiency and frustration with multiple websites needing to be accessed.

The Problem

Interpreters can only manage their schedules on desktops, leading to inefficiency and frustration with multiple websites needing to be accessed.

The Problem

Interpreters can only manage their schedules on desktops, leading to inefficiency and frustration with multiple websites needing to be accessed.


  • 🛠️

    Reworked Engineering's designs for a friendlier user experience, backed by user research

  • 🥳

    Within the first 48 hours of launch, over 60% of interpreters actively engaged with the app

  • 🎨

    Aligned the UI with the Sorenson Design System for a more cohesive and polished user interface

  • 📢

    Implemented a notifications flow, enabling interpreters to easily access their daily schedule and crucial updates from Operations

  • 🧑‍💻

    Provided training to developers on utilizing Figma's DevMode for efficient collaboration and implementation

  • 👍

    Incorporated user feedback, leading to 90% of interpreters downloading the app following the update

  • 📄

    Implemented a documentation process used across the entire Product/UX Team

  • 🛠️

    Reworked Engineering's designs for a friendlier user experience, backed by user research

  • 🥳

    Within the first 48 hours of launch, over 60% of interpreters actively engaged with the app

  • 🎨

    Aligned the UI with the Sorenson Design System for a more cohesive and polished user interface

  • 📢

    Implemented a notifications flow, enabling interpreters to easily access their daily schedule and crucial updates from Operations

  • 🧑‍💻

    Provided training to developers on utilizing Figma's DevMode for efficient collaboration and implementation

  • 👍

    Incorporated user feedback, leading to 90% of interpreters downloading the app following the update

  • 📄

    Implemented a documentation process used across the entire Product/UX Team

  • 🛠️

    Reworked Engineering's designs for a friendlier user experience, backed by user research

  • 🥳

    Within the first 48 hours of launch, over 60% of interpreters actively engaged with the app

  • 🎨

    Aligned the UI with the Sorenson Design System for a more cohesive and polished user interface

  • 📢

    Implemented a notifications flow, enabling interpreters to easily access their daily schedule and crucial updates from Operations

  • 🧑‍💻

    Provided training to developers on utilizing Figma's DevMode for efficient collaboration and implementation

  • 👍

    Incorporated user feedback, leading to 90% of interpreters downloading the app following the update

  • 📄

    Implemented a documentation process used across the entire Product/UX Team


You're probably wondering how Vital Mobile works.

Let’s take a look!


You're probably wondering how Vital Mobile works.

Let’s take a look!

Workload Management. Interpreters can now manage their workload with access and insights on their schedule all in one place.

Workload Management. Interpreters can now manage their workload with access and insights on their schedule all in one place.

Easy Viewing. Interpreters can view their schedule in different formats on any day to get the most out of their shifts, seeing specific times and durations for all shift types.

Easy Viewing. Interpreters can view their schedule in different formats on any day to get the most out of their shifts, seeing specific times and durations for all shift types.

Grab Hours on the Go. Not only can Interpreters manage their set schedule, but they can also add new shifts all from the app

Grab Hours on the Go. Not only can Interpreters manage their set schedule, but they can also add new shifts all from the app

My Role

Originally designed by Matthew Galley, this product faced neglect when he transitioned to a new company, leaving it in the hands of the engineering team during its early development.

Originally designed by Matthew Galley, this product faced neglect when he transitioned to a new company, leaving it in the hands of the engineering team during its early development.

Goal. Update the user interface to follow the Sorenson Design System, enhance our customer satisfaction, and improve user engagement.

Goal. Update the user interface to follow the Sorenson Design System, enhance our customer satisfaction, and improve user engagement.

Dallin Green

UX Designer

Katie Kubat

Product Manager

Jameson Kelley

Project Manager

Dallin Green

UX Designer

Katie Kubat

Product Manager

Jameson Kelley

Project Manager

Bidemi Toriola

Front End Developer

Andre Ace Aquiler

Back End Developer

Maya Shaw

Lead QA

Bidemi Toriola

Front End Developer

Andre Ace Aquiler

Back End Developer

Maya Shaw

Lead QA

Building a User Flow

Building a User Flow

For me to better understand the product, I started with building out a user flow. If this happens, then what? If they tap here, where do they go? This is understanding my puzzle pieces, identifying what might be missing, and seeing what needs to be moved around.

For me to better understand the product, I started with building out a user flow. If this happens, then what? If they tap here, where do they go? This is understanding my puzzle pieces, identifying what might be missing, and seeing what needs to be moved around.

Out with the Old.
In with the New.

Updating the User Interface

Updating the User Interface

While auditing the current state of the product, I noticed this experience felt familiar to other scheduling apps, but some pieces were missing.

To follow Jakob’s Law, I pulled in examples of other well known products and found that a missing piece was likely a schedule view.

While auditing the current state of the product, I noticed this experience felt familiar to other scheduling apps, but some pieces were missing.

To follow Jakob’s Law, I pulled in examples of other well known products and found that a missing piece was likely a schedule view.

  • Lightning Demos

  • Iterations + Sizing

  • Documenting Final Designs

  • Lightning Demos

  • Iterations + Sizing

  • Documenting Final Designs

Other Scheduling Apps

Other Scheduling Apps

A schedule view provides more context to the interpreter on how much time they have before or after a shift, allowing them to feel more confident and prepared going into their day.

A schedule view provides more context to the interpreter on how much time they have before or after a shift, allowing them to feel more confident and prepared going into their day.



Building Trust

With this product being led by Engineering for some time, I noticed some hesitancy or push back when I was presenting changes to the team. This was nothing personal, I believe that they just weren’t used to working with a UX designer.

With this product being led by Engineering for some time, I noticed some hesitancy or push back when I was presenting changes to the team. This was nothing personal, I believe that they just weren’t used to working with a UX designer.

To solve this, I set up 1:1 meetings with some of the core team members that I would be working with the most, such as the product manager and developers. It was in these meetings that I got to become good friends with these people, learn from them, and collaborate on what we’re working on to gain alignment from the very beginning.

To solve this, I set up 1:1 meetings with some of the core team members that I would be working with the most, such as the product manager and developers. It was in these meetings that I got to become good friends with these people, learn from them, and collaborate on what we’re working on to gain alignment from the very beginning.

Introducing Light Mode

Introducing Light Mode

The original designs only had dark mode, but with Figma’s Color Variables, getting light mode put into place was a piece of cake! To help developers, I put together a color comparison sheet, showcasing the light and dark equivalent for each color used in the Sorenson Design System.

The original designs only had dark mode, but with Figma’s Color Variables, getting light mode put into place was a piece of cake! To help developers, I put together a color comparison sheet, showcasing the light and dark equivalent for each color used in the Sorenson Design System.

Adding a Shift

Adding a Shift

Data Driven

As I was working through the product,
I questioned the existing flow where an interpreter would add a new shift to their schedule. In this flow, the interpreter has the option to alter the start and end time to what works best for them - I didn’t see this being intuitive with the current experience.

As I was working through the product,
I questioned the existing flow where an interpreter would add a new shift to their schedule. In this flow, the interpreter has the option to alter the start and end time to what works best for them - I didn’t see this being intuitive with the current experience.

Original Design

Original Design

After identifying this, I turned to our usage data inside of Pendo to see if users we’re actually interacting with these areas that they can adjust. I discovered that there were very few changes being made, so I began working up some alternative solutions to solve this problem.

After identifying this, I turned to our usage data inside of Pendo to see if users we’re actually interacting with these areas that they can adjust. I discovered that there were very few changes being made, so I began working up some alternative solutions to solve this problem.

I then took my concern and potential solutions to the team, but was somewhat turned away as they didn’t believe these potential solutions would make a difference.

I then took my concern and potential solutions to the team, but was somewhat turned away as they didn’t believe these potential solutions would make a difference.

So, I began testing.

So, I began testing.

  • Requirements + Questions

  • Initial Sketches

  • Building Testing Scenarios

  • Iterations

  • Lightning Demos

  • Requirements + Questions

  • Initial Sketches

  • Building Testing Scenarios

  • Iterations

  • Lightning Demos

Maze Testing.

In this A/B test, scenarios were given to 15 testers to adjust their start and end time of a potential shift as well as undoing this action.

Maze Testing.

In this A/B test, scenarios were given to 15 testers to adjust their start and end time of a potential shift as well as undoing this action.

Task 1

Potential Shift

Potential Shift

You're considering taking a shift, but you're only available until 2:45 PM. How would you adjust the time to fit your availability?

Task 2



You made a time adjustment to a potential shift. You've decided to revert these changes and keep the shift at its original time. How would you proceed with this?

Task 1

Potential Shift

You're considering taking a shift, but you're only available until 2:45 PM. How would you adjust the time to fit your availability?

Task 2


You made a time adjustment to a potential shift. You've decided to revert these changes and keep the shift at its original time. How would you proceed with this?


Which of these two approaches did you prefer?

A (New)


B (Original)


"I am used to that layout of scheduling from the calendar app I use along with another scheduling app I've used with other organizations."

Tester #187237511

“I think the little drop-down arrows make it clear that it's the times that can be edited/revised. That's not quite as apparent in the second approach.”

Tester #132438411


Which of these two approaches did you prefer?

A (New)


B (Original)


"I am used to that layout of scheduling from the calendar app I use along with another scheduling app I've used with other organizations."

Tester #187237511

“I think the little drop-down arrows make it clear that it's the times that can be edited/revised. That's not quite as apparent in the second approach.”

Tester #132438411

New Design

New Design

The results concluded that the newly proposed solution proved to be more intuitive than what currently existed.

The results concluded that the newly proposed solution proved to be more intuitive than what currently existed.

This data helped the core-team understand the benefits of the new experience and eventually made it’s way into a sprint.

This data helped the core-team understand the benefits of the new experience and eventually made it’s way into a sprint.

Building a Home Screen

Building a Home Screen

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle.

Up to this point, the product had only been used by a select number of beta testers as we continued to build out the MVP. The missing piece to this MVP was the home screen.

Up to this point, the product had only been used by a select number of beta testers as we continued to build out the MVP. The missing piece to this MVP was the home screen.

When starting the designs, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to be putting useless information in front of users. To make sure this didn’t happen, I looked at data to understand where users were spending the most of their time in the app. I discovered that 86% of time spent in the app was looking at their schedule for that day.

When starting the designs, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to be putting useless information in front of users. To make sure this didn’t happen, I looked at data to understand where users were spending the most of their time in the app. I discovered that 86% of time spent in the app was looking at their schedule for that day.

This information truly helped guide the design for the home screen as the information shown would primarily be about their schedule for that specific day. The reasoning for this is so that users don’t have to navigate throughout the app to get the information that they need, and instead, it’s all in one place.

This information truly helped guide the design for the home screen as the information shown would primarily be about their schedule for that specific day. The reasoning for this is so that users don’t have to navigate throughout the app to get the information that they need, and instead, it’s all in one place.


Documentation is key. As the second designer on this project – and not the last – I inherited a product with a bunch of lingering questions about its components and functionalities. Unfortunately, the absence of documentation left these questions unanswered. Learning from this experience, I took it upon myself to document every aspect of the experience. This way, when passing the torch to our new designer, they could easily understand the product and hit the ground running.

Documentation is key. As the second designer on this project – and not the last – I inherited a product with a bunch of lingering questions about its components and functionalities. Unfortunately, the absence of documentation left these questions unanswered. Learning from this experience, I took it upon myself to document every aspect of the experience. This way, when passing the torch to our new designer, they could easily understand the product and hit the ground running.

Take time to learn about the people you work with. I’m a firm believer in making connections and with the people you work with. It builds trust, chemistry, and overall makes it more enjoyable. The last thing I want is to be butting heads with my team constantly. This is something I didn’t do until later when working on other products and it created some unnecessary stress at times.

Take time to learn about the people you work with. I’m a firm believer in making connections and with the people you work with. It builds trust, chemistry, and overall makes it more enjoyable. The last thing I want is to be butting heads with my team constantly. This is something I didn’t do until later when working on other products and it created some unnecessary stress at times.

Build an experience that users value. It often happens when a stakeholder says “we need to build this” and everyone says okay - but why? Why are we building this? What problem are we solving? These are the questions that I began to ask when working on Vital Mobile and I truly believe that by asking these questions, it resulted in a better experience for our users as we were really trying to understand their problems and bring them value with the solutions.

Build an experience that users value. It often happens when a stakeholder says “we need to build this” and everyone says okay - but why? Why are we building this? What problem are we solving? These are the questions that I began to ask when working on Vital Mobile and I truly believe that by asking these questions, it resulted in a better experience for our users as we were really trying to understand their problems and bring them value with the solutions.

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